Thursday, February 4, 2010

Iddly: How to prepare dough

5 measures long grain rice
1 measure Urad Dhal
1 tea spoon Fenugreek
1/3 measure soaked puffed rice or cooked rice

Step 1: Soak 5 measures long grain rice for eight hour
( 2+3 Indian raw rice + Boiled kar rice optional)

Step 2: Soak 1 measure urad dhal with a teaspoon of fenugreek for 4 hours

Step 3: Wash grinder, rice & dhal

Step 4: Add dhal; add 1/2 to 3/4 th measure water; grind for 40 to 60 min till it becomes a fine paste & floats in water when a pinch is dropped in water. The dhal dough can now be removed

Step 5: Add soaked rice and grind for 60 to 80 min adding water now & then

Step 6: Soaked puffed rice or cooked rice about one or two handfuls will make the dough soft. It is optional. Add while the rice is being ground

Step 7: Add 2 to 3 tsp salt

Step 8: When the rice dough is fine semi-liquid, add the dhal dough

Step 9: Mix well & allow it to sour overnight or minimum 6 hours
And thats your Idly dough!!!